Community Portals
Honouring Pride
Happy Pride! Created in partnership with community, discover a year-round collection of 2SLGBTQIA+ content and Library events.
Mi'kmaw History & Culture Portal
Explore collections, stories, and content honouring Mi'kmaw history and culture.
African Heritage & Culture Portal
Explore collections, content, and stories honouring African heritage and culture.
Celebrating Culture Portal
The Library is shaped by our community, and we aim to reflect the traditions, experiences, and creations that make up our shared story.
Art & Craft
Bring imagination to the table, and send something new into the world! Find events, guidebooks, and more to nurture your creative genius.
Science & Environment
Science and environment are woven into everyday life. Exploration is unlimited: find wonder in a grain of sand or a whole galaxy.
Beyond Books Collections
Did you know? We loan light therapy lamps, radon detectors, musical instruments, Autism Tool Kits and more! Take a journey far beyond books.
Health & Wellness
Your Library is good for your health: attend an online or in-person class, borrow active living gear, explore wellness books, and more.
Climate Action
Your Library has been setting the stage for climate education for decades. Now, we are taking our contribution to the next level.
Our Libraries are shaped by you and your needs. Explore accessibility resources, and stories created by and for the disability community.
We're happy to meet you! Discover how your Library can help you connect with new friends and resources, and settle into your community.
Business & Careers
Starting or expanding a business, or job-searching can be overwhelming. You're not alone! We can help.
For Adults
This page is filled with featured events, resources, and reads that may appeal to the average and not-so-average adult! Explore and enjoy.
For Teens
Targeted for teens, here you'll find creative musings from our Teens Blog, popular content and events, and hopefully, some inspiration!
For Kids
Built with little ones in mind, this page is kept cool for the kiddos! Find activities, learning tools, and books for all reading levels.