We have a seat waiting for you

The caution tape is gone, and seating is available for all

The seating area is now open.

Library visitors, daily commuters, and local workers are invited to make use of their new open, bright, and lush public spot to rest, wait for friends, or eat lunch.

A lobby with atmosphere

With the sound of running water coming from the nearby Tower Garden, the atmosphere of the lobby is nice and relaxing. A type of welcome spot, the greenery and natural light will be appreciated all year round, especially during the darker months of winter.

Regulars used to enjoying the Library's weekly Coffee Corner will highly enjoy their new social spot.

A few more fixes are coming

While the most largest part of the renovation is 

  • creation of a plaque for the public art and some fun celebratory activities
  • fixing the push button entry on the universal washroom
  • installation of the railings in the corners of the seating area (stanchions in place in the meantime)