Stories of Cobequid

The Cobequid Past & Future project is a collaboration between Bedford and Sackville Public Libraries to preserve local history and generate new stories for future generations.

Click here to view all posts about the Cobequid Past & Future Project.

A diverse, significant, and beautiful picture of Cobequid's past has emerged from the audio clips gathered at our Bedford and Sackville Library branches. ​Residents of Bedford, Sackville, Lucasville, Fall River, Waverly, and Beaver Bank have shared these stories of growing up, their favourite places, the changes they've seen through the years, and cultural and community milestones.

Listen to the below videos and audio clips to hear the unique histories and perspectives on life in Cobequid.


Cherie Winters

Anne White

Della MacLellan

Diana Haydon

Francene Cosman

Joan Lively

June Boswell – Part 1 

June Boswell – Part 2  

June Boswell – Part 3

June Boswell – Part 4

Lewis Turner

Miles Thompson

Mark Currie

Patricia Leader


Kathleen Hankey

Camilla Hankey

Carl Dalrymple

Linda Hefler

Mabel MacEachern

Steve Craig

Beaver Bank

David Barrett

Hellen Murray Archibald

Fall River

Irene Poirier

Sandi Little


Velma Parsons

Marjorie Hefler


Favourite Things About Lucasville

Special Places and Events


Notable People

What Can Be Improved

Changes in the Community

Favourite Memories


Marilyn Clarke – Part 2

Stories of Cobequid Present

Adel Martin




Welsey Martin