We're happy to meet you!
We can help you connect with local people and settle into your new community. You can learn to speak English in one-on-one sessions or small groups. You can take an art or technology class, or even prepare for the citizenship test.
As a Library cardholder, you get free access to a variety of resources including books in more than 40 languages. But, if you just want to visit the Library or attend programs, please note that you do not need a library card! Everyone is welcome.
Get to know your Library
تازه واردان خوش آمدید | Farsi
مرحبا بالقادمون الجدد | Arabic
欢迎光临哈里法克斯市立图书馆 | Mandarin
Добро пожаловать в библиотеки Галифакса | Russian
स्वागत छ नव आगन्तुकलाई | Nepali
Bienvenue aux nouveaux arrivants | French