Film or Photo Shoot Request

Film or Photo Shoot Request

Are you dreaming of photographing or filming at your Library?

Before you dream on, please send us more information.

Before submitting your request

If you are using handheld cameras to take selfies or other documentations of your personal Library experience, you can follow our Customer Conduct Policy.

If you are not using handheld cameras, or if your subject is other Library visitors such as a program audience, then please review this small but key list of considerations before submitting your request.

  • A Certificate of Insurance adhering to our specific instructions will be required for any filming or photographing using camera equipment, such as a tripod. See the list of required documents below.
  • For commercial projects, please know the Library does not sign external location releases.
  • We require 10 business days to process your application. The process begins with the receipt of your completed application form.
  • Groups or crews and casts sizes larger than 8 people are not possible.


  • News media are welcome and are asked to contact the Library's Communications Officer before shooting.
  • If you wish exclusive access and no disruptions, you can book a space.

Conditions upon approval

Once your application is approved and the shoot date arrives, we will except you to understand and agree to the following conditions:

  • Follow a safety-first approach, such as not setting up in through-ways or on stairwells.
  • Gain permission from all individuals in your photo/video, including general Library visitors. The Library attracts vulnerable citizens, such as people who cannot be in photos or films for their safety, and they need to know to get out of your shot, when applicable.
  • Do not include Library staff in any shots or interview, unless arranged in advance.
  • Negotiate independently with other Library users your shared use of Library space.
  • Understand the Library cannot promise your shoot will experience no disruptions. As a public space, there may be unpredictable noise, kids running around, and other messy joys as a part of your experience.

Required documents

Please fill out and sign the following documents as directed.

  1. Film and Photo Request, opens a new window (submit first)
  2. Film Release and Indemnification, opens a new window (submit after conditional approval of request)
  3. Certificate of Insurance (submit after conditional approval)

Remember, we'll take up to 10 business days to process your application from the date we receive it.

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