16 Literary Quotes to Welcome Winter

By Staff Blogger, Beth | "Although winter technically doesn't begin until December 21, it feels like it arrives much sooner. The temperatures begin to drop below zero before then, with snow following not far behind. It's both a barren and beautiful time of year, and it's the perfect time to cozy up with a good book. To help put you in the mood for the changing of the seasons, here are 16 literary quotes to welcome winter!"
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Short Story: Hot Chocolate Encounters

By Teen Blogger, Sally | "The snow intensified outside and instead of waiting for someone to pick us up, I stepped onto the snow-covered pavement with my jacket halfheartedly zipped, and let a few snowflakes reach my tongue. I felt like a kid again, and even though my hands weren’t warm anymore, I knew that the hot chocolate had left its mark like every single cup that came before it did. My story was being written in hot chocolate and mini marshmallows, and I wouldn’t have it any other way."
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Turtle Grove and the Halifax Explosion: A Brief and Not at All Definitive History

Written by Staff Blogger, Vicky | "Though the reconstruction of Halifax and Dartmouth is a well-known story, there is a seldom discussed community that was equally devastated by the 1917 explosion: the Mi’kmaq village of Turtle Grove. Once located in what is Needham Park/Tufts Cove, the community is now on the cusp of a well-deserved resurrection. Let’s take a look at the history of Turtle Grove, and why this lost community is important to our future."
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